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Mosaic 2 Reading, 4/e
Brenda Wegmann
Miki Knezevic
Marilyn Bernstein

Abduction by Aliens

Foley: Most of the time they come for me in the bedroom, and I sort of have the experience with my eyes closed, sort of floating through the ceiling at times. Then it's altered. I have bits and pieces of memories. There's usually some medical examinations.

Narrator: Ruth Foley says she started getting visits when she was four. The purpose of the visits? Her story matches many others.

Foley: It has a lot to do with reproduction. They've taken me and they've shown me little children. I'll describe them. The newborns to me look somewhat like baby birds. They have large heads, large eyes, and little tiny bodies. They're quite scrawny in our terms. They need the child to be loved and nurtured, and that's easy to do. It's really very strange.

Narrator: Strange may not be a strong enough word. She describes most of the beings as many others have. Big pear-shaped heads with huge eyes and small bodies averaging 31/2 feet tall. Foley says witnesses saw her being taken, including her sister. Her sister told me on the telephone that, yes, she remembers vividly that when she was five years old, a beam of light came down and her seven-year-old sister went up the beam of light and disappeared. She says she's absolutely sure it happened although she's never had the abduction experience herself.

Narrator: The experiencers have scars they never had before--little scoop marks on their bodies, sometimes long scars or punctures like the one over this woman's ear.
These pictures follow the famous Kathy Davis abduction case in Indiana in 1983. Neighbors saw a blinding flash of light swoosh in next to her house. The next morning this trail and round spot were found burned into the yard. Hopkins says the soil was baked and sterilized. Two months later, it's still there. In the winter, snow melts over the pattern. One year later, still no grass. Two years later, no grass. Three years later--the grass is just beginning to crawl back over the burned spot.
Hopkins has an associate, a history professor at Temple University who has written this book, Secret Life: Many Firsthand Accounts of UFO Experiences. The forward is written by Dr. John Mack, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Mack says that the experiences are real and the victims often highly traumatized, and they need counseling.
Indeed, it's taken more than 40 years for Ruth Foley to go public with her experiences.

Foley: This is my debut. It just seemed the thing to do. I've gotten comfortable enough with it not to fear the ridicule and just to be comfortable with it. This is my truth, and people can accept it or not.