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Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and Professions, 7/e
Ronald B. Adler
Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst

Verbal and Visual Support in Presentations

Annotated Links

Reference Shelf

This site, created by the University of California at San Diego, provides links to a multitude of information sources including Books in Print, Britannica Online, the CIA World Fact Book, City net, Consumer World, directories of daily and weekly newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, telephone and e-mail directories, and the world population information from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Yahoo Reference

This collection of research tools provides links for sources to search for information on a wide range of topics.
PowerPoint Tutorial

Microsoft's PowerPoint is the most commonly used software program for creating and presenting computer-generated visual aids in presentations.  The program has a multitude of features that make it both powerful and confusing to use.  This Web site provides a tutorial to offer new users a self-paced approach to developing skill in using PowerPoint.
Verbal Devices

This site has a list of more rhetorical devices than students may need to know. Devices range from A to Z; honestly from little-known devices such as Anadiplosis to Zeugma! Of course, you can find the more common ones such as metaphors and similes, and for each device several examples are given.