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Communication Works by Gamble and Gamble
Communication Works, 7/e
Teri Kwal Gamble
Michael Gamble


0-07-240078-1Instructor's Manual/Test Bank - Provides chapter by chapter strategies for teaching the course with chapter overviews, objectives, outlines, activities and exercises, discussion topics, and transparency masters. Includes a section on self-assessment scales to help students evaluate their mastery of the material.The manual has 25-30 multiple choice and 3-5 essay questions for each chapter.
0-07-232126-1Computerized Test Bank - dual platform (Win ; MAC) test bank CD-ROM
0-07-238748-3VHS: "Short Takes" with User's Guide - a series of small group scenarios
0-07-247507-2PowerPoint Transparencies - available on the instructor's website. PowerPoint slides are available for each book chapter. Instructors may individualize the slides to reflect their own course needs.
0-07-236543-9Communication Concepts Videotape with Instructor's Manual - a videotape of the 6 small group communication scenario video clips found on the CD-ROM

Online Learning Center website at contains a variety of resources and activities, including quizzes, key terms, chapter learning objectives, and weblinks.
0-07-247506-4Communication Works CD-ROM - Student CD-ROM, packaged with the text, provides 20 quiz questions per chapter, key terms, a PowerPoint tutorial, a Guide to Electronic Research, a Study Skills Primer and video clips illustrating communication concepts. Icons in the text guide readers to the CD-ROM.