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Communication Works by Gamble and Gamble
Communication Works, 7/e
Teri Kwal Gamble
Michael Gamble

Updates and Changes

  • The new Communication Works CD-ROM 1.0 is fully integrated with the textbook. Icons in the margins guide students to one of the following interactive tools:
    • Communication Concepts Video Clips--six 5-minute communication segments that help illustrate key points in the text
    • Self-Quizzes--10 questions per chapter to reinforce key concepts from the chapter
    • Glossary Flashcards--key terms from the text to help students quiz themselves
    • PowerPoint Tutorial--a tool to guide students through the process of using PowerPoint
    • Guide to Electronic Research--a learning aid providing an in-depth look at using a computer and the Internet as a research tool
    • Internet Primer--a refresher course about the basics of computer and Internet use
    • Study Skills Primer--tips and advice that help students take maximum advantage of all that college has to offer
    • Learning Assessment--helps students identify better ways to learn
    • Links to the text-specific Online Learning Center
  • Updates to include the integration of recent research keep the text current. More than 20% of the research is new.
  • Chapters 1- 4 have been updated with new research and examples.
  • Chapter 5: Language and Meaning: Helping Minds Meet has a new section, Communication of Meaning, which has added information on how to use language to neutralize resistance.
  • Chapter 6: Nonverbal Communication: Silent Language Speaks has added information on impression management.
  • Chapter 8: Understanding Relationships has new information on using humor as an interpersonal tool and new content on how to cope with grief and separation.
  • Chapter 9: Person to Person: Relationships in Context has been revised to focus on relationships in context - Work, Family, Health, etc.
  • Chapter 10: Interviewing: From Both Sides of the Desk, a new chapter, covers "Preparing cover letters", "Stages of the interview", "The interviewer", "Diversity and the interview", "Technology and the job search" and more. This chapter also discusses finding job postings on the web and preparing an electronic resume.
  • Chapters 11- 14 have been updated with new research and examples.
  • Chapter 15: Developing Your Speech: Supporting Your Ideas has updated information on how to conduct research on the web, how to evaluate credibility of web sites, and how to create PowerPoint slides. A new section, Conducting On and Off line Research, includes a sample proquest search page. Also, the new Presentation Aids section has 18 sample PowerPoint slides.
  • Chapter 18: Informative Speaking and Chapter 19: Persuasive Speaking have new sample outlines and sample speeches that reflect current topics of interest.
  • A new appendix, How Media Affects Us, explains how media provide models and create and perpetuate stereotypes.
  • A new running glossary throughout the text helps students identify key terms.
  • New coverage on technology is found throughout the text and especially in chapters 10: Interviewing, and 15: Developing Your Speech. New topics include PowerPoint presentation, researching on the Internet, and credibility of websites.
  • "Listen to me; View me; Read me", a new feature found at the end of each chapter, gives students the opportunity to integrate their interests in music, literature, and/or film with course content. (Example: commentary on Bjork and "Life is Beautiful")
  • New boxes called "E-Search" give students the opportunity to consider how technological innovations are changing communication. (Example of an E-Search box: Groups at the Speed of Light)