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Dimensions of Human Sexuality, 6/e
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Variations in Sexual Behavior
Dimensions of Human Sexuality 6/e Cover Image

atypical sexual expression  A neutral term applied to relatively rare sexual expression or behavior. Implies that such behavior resembles more typical or common forms of sexual behavior. 444
behaviorism  A psychological perspective that emphasizes learning (changes in behavior via interaction with the environment) via association, rewards, or punishments. 455
classical conditioning  Learning via repeated association of one stimulus with another, especially a behavior. 455, 462
cognitive behavioral therapy  Psychological treatment that emphasizes changing self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. 457
computer scatophilia  Sexual arousal via the creation and sending of lewd and obscene messages over computer lines. Considered a paraphilic behavior. 447
exhibitionism  Sexual arousal via the display of one's genitals to a nonconsenting person. A type of paraphilic behavior. 445
fetishism  Sexual arousal or orgasm via the presence (preferred or required) or use of an inanimate object or body part (partialism). A paraphilic behavior. 450
fetishistic transvestism  Cross-dressing associated with erotic arousal and orgasm (among heterosexual men). A paraphilic behavior. 304, 450
form fetish  Eroticizing of an object based on its shape: high-heeled shoes, garters, etc. 450
frotteurism  Sexual arousal or orgasm via touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person. A paraphilic behavior. 452
hypoxyphilia (asphyxiophilia)  Sexual arousal or orgasm from purposely depriving the brain of oxygen. 449
lovemap  A representation in the brain/mind of what is arousing to a particular individual. 456
masochism  Sexual arousal or orgasm via being the recipient of pain, restraint, or humiliation. A paraphilic behavior. 448
media fetish  Eroticizing of an object based on the material from which it is made: silk, leather, etc. 450
obsessive-compulsive disorder  A group of psychological disorders characterized by very high levels of anxiety. The anxiety is typically related to repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and is reduced by repetitive behaviors (compulsions). 457
operant conditioning  The learning of a behavior via repeated reinforcement or its unlearning via punishment. 455
paraphilia  Recurrent, intensely arousing sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors that involve nonhuman objects, suffering, or nonconsenting others. 304, 444, 486
pedophilia  A general erotic preference for children. 447, 486
sadism  Sexual arousal or orgasm via inflicting of pain, restraint, or humiliation on another. A paraphilic behavior. 448
sadomasochism  Sexual arousal via inflicting or being the recipient of pain, suffering, or humiliation. Complete control, domination (or their complete absence) are important features. Paraphilic behaviors. 448
sexual deviance (deviation)  Purposeful violation of sexual norms, as in prostitution. 444
sexual perversion  Abnormal or disturbed sexual behavior. 444
telephone scatologia  A form of exhibitionism involving making lewd, obscene, or sexually aggressive phone calls to a nonconsenting person. 446
transvestism (transvestite)  See cross-dressing.
voyeurism  Sexual arousal via observation of nonconsenting others who are undressing, nude, or engaging in sexual activity. A paraphilic behavior. 450