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Human Development Across the Lifespan Cover Image
Human Development Across the Lifespan, 5/e
John S. Dacey, Boston College
John F. Travers, Boston College

Theories of Development: Interpreting the Lifespan


  1. The psychoanalytic approach
    1. Structures of the mind
      1. The id
      2. The ego
      3. The superego
    2. Defending the unconscious mind: Defense mechanisms
      1. Repression
      2. Compensation
      3. Rationalization
      4. Introjection
      5. Regression
      6. Displacement
    3. The developing personality
      1. The oral stage
      2. The anal stage
      3. The phallic stage
      4. The latency stage
      5. The genital stage
  2. The psychosocial crises approach
    1. Erikson's psychosocial theory of development
    2. Erikson's eight psychosocial stages
      1. Basic trust versus mistrust
      2. Autonomy versus shame and doubt
      3. Initiative versus guilt
      4. Industry versus inferiority
      5. Identity and repudiation versus identity confusion
      6. Intimacy and solidarity versus isolation
      7. Generativity versus stagnation
      8. Integrity versus despair
  3. The cognitive developmental approach
    1. Jean Piaget's theory
      1. Cognitive structures
      2. Functional invariants
        1. Adaptation
          1. Assimilation
          2. Accommodation
          3. Equilibration
        2. Organization
      3. Schemes
      4. Stages
        1. Sensorimotor stage
        2. Preoperational stage
        3. Concrete operational stage
        4. Formal operational stage
  4. The cultural framework approach
    1. Lev Vygotsky's theory
      1. Social and cultural processes
      2. Internalization
    2. Vygotsky's zone of proximal development
      1. Scaffolding
  5. The behavioral approach
    1. Skinner and operant conditioning
      1. Environment as key to understanding behavior
      2. Behavior is a causal chain of three links
        1. Stimulus
        2. Response
        3. Reinforcement, punishment, or extinction
      3. Two kinds of reinforcement
        1. Positive reinforcement
        2. Negative reinforcement
      4. Development is continuous
    2. Bandura and social (cognitive) learning
      1. Emphasis on modeling (observational learning)
      2. Bandura's interpretation of what happens as a result of observing others
  6. Current status and future direction of developmental theory
    1. Gottlieb's interactions among levels of development
      1. Genetic
      2. Neural
      3. Behavioral
      4. Environmental
    2. Lerner's developmental contextualism
      1. Context
      2. Construct