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Chapter Objectives
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When students have studied the material in the chapter, they will be able to answer the following:

  • Introduction
    1. What are the major social achievements of early childhood?
    2. How are social, emotional and cognitive development interrelated in the preschool years?
    3. What can preschool and day care teachers do to foster healthy social and emotional development in early childhood?
  • Some hallmarks of early childhood social and emotional development
    1. How do children's social worlds expand in the preschool years?
    2. Explain the increases in self-reliance, self-control, and self-management that occur in early childhood.
  • The developing self
    1. Summarize the development of preschoolers' sense of self and explain how cognitive development is involved in this process.
    2. Explain what is involved in children's development of a gender-based self-concept.
  • Social development: the world of peers
    1. How do children's peer relationships change during the preschool years?
  • Emotional development
    1. What major emotional developments occur during the preschool years?
    2. Explain how preschoolers' cognitive and emotional development are related.
  • The role of play in preschool development
    1. What function does play serve for preschoolers?
  • The parents' role in early childhood development
    1. How do parents' roles and tasks change during early childhood?
  • The coherence of behavior and development
    1. Discuss how coherence in behavior and development increases during early childhood.

DeHart: Child DevelopmentOnline Learning Center

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