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Chapter Objectives
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When students have studied the material in the chapter, they will be able to answer the following:

  • Introduction
    1. What are some major social and emotional developments in middle childhood?
    2. How are social, emotional, and cognitive development related in middle childhood?
    3. What are the contributions of family and peers to school-aged children's development?
  • The inner world of the self
    1. How does a child's concept of the self change from early to middle childhood?
  • Peer relationships in middle childhood
    1. Summarize the developmental advances that allow increasingly complex peer relations in middle childhood.
    2. What major developments occur in peer relations during middle childhood?
    3. What is known about peer status and acceptance in middle childhood?
  • Emotional development in middle childhood
    1. How does children's understanding of emotions change during middle childhood?
  • Contexts of development in middle childhood
    1. How do parent-child relationships change during middle childhood?
    2. How does parenting style affect children's behavior and development?
    3. How do family violence, conflict, and divorce affect children's development?
    4. What roles do sibling relationships play in development in middle childhood?
    5. How do schools affect children's development?
  • The coherence of development in middle childhood
    1. Explain how coherence of development is demonstrated in middle childhood.

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