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Chapter Objectives
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When students have studied the material in the chapter, they will be able to answer the following:

  • Introduction
    1. What major cognitive skills emerge during the toddler period?
    2. How do nature and nurture interact in children's acquisition of language?
    3. How are cognitive and social development intertwined with language development?
  • The components of language
    1. List and explain the major components of language.
  • Major tasks in early language learning
    1. Describe the stages of prelinguistic vocalization.
    2. Describe the typical course of vocabulary development and explain the processes involved in word learning.
    3. Describe the acquisition of grammatical morphemes and explain what it reveals about language development.
    4. Summarize children's syntactic development from the one-word stage through complex sentences.
    5. Explain what is involved in developing communicative competence.
  • The child and the environment in language development
    1. Discuss the possible contributions of biology and environment to children's language acquisition and the influences they have on later development.
  • Other aspects of symbolic representations
    1. Trace the early development of pretend play, the use of gestures, and the understanding of iconic symbols.
  • Advances and limitations of toddlerhood: an overview
    1. Summarize the cognitive advances of toddlerhood and the limitations that remain.

DeHart: Child DevelopmentOnline Learning Center

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