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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The use of nonpaid media messages to deliver brand information designed to positively influence customers and prospects is called:
A)Brand buzz
B)Brand releases
C)Brand publicity
D)Brand relations
E)Brand advertising
Planning brand publicity involves:
A)Reviewing the situation
B)Setting objectives
C)Developing strategies
E)All of the above
Which of the following is not a common objective in brand publicity?
A)Generate a sense of involvement
B)Influence opinion leaders
C)Stimulate advocacy
D)Lower prices
E)Create attitudes
David wants to build his company's corporate image. David will first assess:
A)The esteem a company or brand has in the eyes of its stakeholders.
B)What the company is, does or believes derived from planned communication
C)A façade of a company's behavior based on planned communication.
D)What the company is, does, believes or the rationale for its existence with a focus for its future growth.
E)What the company believes about its products.
Ryan is in charge of managing the identity and image of his corporate organization. Ryan is in charge of:
A)Corporate advertising
B)Corporate branding
C)Corporate communication
D)Corporate relations
E)Crisis management
Corporate advertising uses ads that:
A)Promote the brands or services the company offers
B)Build awareness of a company and explains what it believes or does
C)Promote nonprofit organizations and are placed in time or space donated by the media
D)Sell the brand through promotional programs like coupons or free goods.
E)Motivate other brand's customers to switch to this brand
The objective of mission marketing is to:
A)Increase short-term sales
B)Repair negative word of mouth
C)Build a good corporate or brand reputation for the long term
D)Advocate a cause and become associated with that cause
E)Engage employees in a dialogue in order to redefine the corporate mission
When Tom recommended his company contribute a percentage of sales to a local charity during their fund-raising campaign, he was recommending:
A)Advocacy advertising
B)Mission marketing
C)Crisis management marketing
D)Cause marketing
E)Third-party endorsement
IMC efforts targeted for investors, analysts, stockbrokers and the financial media are called:
A)Employee relations
B)Fiduciary trust relations
C)Financial relations
D)Investment management relations
The secret to managing a business crisis is to:
A)Contact the board of directors immediately
B)Have everything planned ahead of time
C)Control access to the media
D)Do what Enron did
E)Improve financial relations

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