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behavioral segmenting  Segmenting a market on the basis of product usage or other product-related behavior.
benefit segmenting  Segmenting a market according to the benefits customers seek as the result of using a product.
cohort  A group of individuals from the same generation.
cross-selling  Using the sale of one product to promote the sale of related products.
demographics  Definable statistical measures, such as age, gender, and ethnicity.
frequency  A measure of how often, within a given period, a customer purchased a specific brand.
geodemographic segmenting  Segmenting that combines geographic and demographic data to identify residents of a particular area with certain demographic traits.
life stages  The different periods in the life of an individual or family.
lifestyle  The way people choose to spend their money, time, and energy.
mass customization of products  A manufacturing process that is programmed to choose ingredients/parts to produce custom-designed goods.
monetary  A measure of the amount a customer spent with a company over a given period.
one-to-one marketing  Customizing products and marketing communication according to individual needs.
permission marketing  A method of segmenting that persuades prospects to volunteer their attention to brand messages.
psychographics  Measures that classify customers in terms of their attitudes, interests, and opinions as well as their lifestyle activities.
recency  A measure of how long ago a customer purchased from a specific company.
segmenting  Grouping customers or prospects according to common characteristics, needs, wants, or desires.
self-selection ("raise your hand")  A method of segmenting prospects by motivating potential customers to respond in some way and therefore identify themselves as being interested in the brand.
targeting  Analyzing, evaluating, and prioritizing the market segments deemed most profitable to
up-selling  Encouraging customers to buy a more expensive product than they had in mind.

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