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data mining  Sifting and sorting the information warehoused in a company's database.
data overlay  Enriching one database by adding another to it.
database  A collection of related information that is stored and organized in a way that allows access and analysis.
database management system (DBMS)  Software that records customer information, tracks customer interactions, and links customer databases that are already in existence.
database marketing  See data-driven communication.
data-driven communication  Communication that is managed through a database system that gives the company interaction memory.
digitized  Converted into a numerical form, most often by means of a binary system of 1s and 0s.
mass customization of MC messages  The large-scale personalization of customer interactions with a company.
prospecting  (1) Using data to identify prospective customer types. (2) Locating potential new customers (or prospects).
scanner data  Point-of-purchase (also known as point-of-sale) information gathered at the retail level by chains that have frequent-buyer programs and by research companies such as ACNielsen Corporation and Information Resources Inc.
toll-free numbers  Phone numbers that companies use to make it possible for their customers to call them without paying a long-distance charge.
warranty cards  Cards that come with new products, particularly electronics and appliances, and ask buyers to give the company purchase information.

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