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Animation Quiz 5 - Addition and Deletion Mutations
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Review the animation and answer the questions that follow to test your understanding.


The nucleic acid sequence in mRNA is determined by
A)the order of amino acids in the protein
B)nucleotide sequence in DNA
C)nucleotide sequence in t-RNA
D)all of the above

If a frameshift mutation causes a stop codon to be inserted into the DNA sequence
A)the resulting protein will not be affected
B)the phenotype will change but not the genotype
C)the resulting protein will be too short and non-functional
D)the resulting protein will be too long and non-functional

A nucleotide deletion in DNA replication
A)causes one amino acid of the protein to be incorrect
B)causes all of the amino acids of the protein to be incorrect
C)causes the amino acids inserted after the deletion to be incorrect
D)causes the amino acids inserted before the deletion to be incorrect
E)has no effect on the resulting protein

The addition of a single nucleotide to the DNA sequence causes a frameshift mutation.

In a frameshift mutation all of the amino acids before the shift are changed.

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