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Internet Connection Activity
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1. What can you find out about your favorite television show? Take one of your favorite shows and write an essay based on information that you can find on the Internet. To get started, using a search engine such as Google to find the official website for the show.

a. What is on the official site?

b. Can you find a fan site?

c. What did you learn about the show you didn't know before? Which website was the source of this information?

d. Can you find any news about the program on the newspaper or television news web sites?

2. The television industry is obsessed with ratings but how do we know who is Number 1? The Neilsen Ratings are the bible of the industry. Go to the link for Nielsen Media Research ( Answer the following questions.

a. How does the Nielsen Media Research company measure audiences?

b. How many homes are sampled?

c. What is the difference between a People Meter and a Diary?

d. What are some of the drawbacks of the Nielsen method of measuring audience viewing patterns?

e. Can you think of a more effective way to measure audience viewing habits than the Nielsen method?

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