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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Compared to men with schizophrenia, women with schizophrenia:
A)tend to develop schizophrenia earlier, particularly during their late teens or early 20s.
B)are more likely to be married.
C)are less likely to have had children.
D)are less likely to have graduated from high school or college.

A false belief in which an individual believes that they are being watched or tormented by agencies or persons in authority with whom they have never interacted is known as a
A)grandiose delusion.
B)delusion of thought control.
C)delusion of reference.
D)persecutory delusion.

The most common type of hallucination is

Made-up words that mean something only to the person speaking them are known as
A)clang associations.
C)word salads.

Alicia experiences delusions of being controlled by a neighbor's television remote control. She visits the neighbor and demands that he hand over his remote, which he refuses to do, calling her "crazy." She takes his refusal as further evidence of a plot against her life organized by the entire neighborhood. Alicia is most likely experiencing:
B)undifferentiated schizophrenia.
C)paranoid schizophrenia.
D)disorganized (hebephrenic) schizophrenia.

Wendy, who has suffered two acute episodes of schizophrenia involving delusions and hallucinations, but who now experiences only mild hallucinations and flattened affect, would most likely be diagnosed with:
A)residual schizophrenia.
B)paranoid schizophrenia.
C)undifferentiated schizophrenia.
D)disorganized (hebephrenic) schizophrenia.

Which of the following is not a positive symptom of schizophrenia?
B)disorganized thinking and speech

Someone who experiences delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech or behavior for at least one day, but less than one month, might be diagnosed with
A)schizoaffective disorder.
B)schizophreniform disorder.
C)delusional disorder.
D)brief psychotic disorder.

Which of the following brain abnormalities is not associated with schizophrenia?
A)atrophy of the frontal cortex
B)shrinking of the ventricles
C)deficits in the limbic system
D)deficits in the temporal lobes

A recent and more complex theory of the role of dopamine in schizophrenia suggests that there is excess dopaminergic activity in the _____________, but unusually low dopaminergic activity in the ____________.
A)limbic system; prefrontal area
B)mesolimbic system; prefrontal area
C)prefrontal area; limbic system
D)thalamus; mesolimbic system

Julie's son, Winston, just fell down and hurt himself. She rushes to comfort him, takes him into her arms lovingly and says, "You stupid little boy! Watch where you walk!" This is an example of
A)a double bind.
B)a schizophrenogenic mother.
C)communication deviance.
D)expressed emotion.

Which of the following best describes expressed emotion, as characterized by schizophrenia researchers?
A)Families that routinely express their emotions to the exclusion of rational and reasonable interactions, create an environment that facilitates relapse by creating stress for the schizophrenic family member, who cannot deal with the constant emotion.
B)Families that express, rather than inhibit or suppress their emotions, actively model maladaptive behavior patterns that the schizophrenic picks up through observation; he or she then feels no restrictions upon expressing delusional beliefs and describing hallucinations.
C)Families in which the members are over-involved with each other, who express self-sacrificing attitudes toward the schizophrenic member but also appear cold, resentful, and rejecting, create an atmosphere that puts the schizophrenic family member at a greater risk for relapse.
D)Families that are high in expressed emotion tend to show abnormally high levels of affection and concern for one another, yet they show the schizophrenic family member practically no warmth or concern at all.

________________, a movement disorder marked by persistent, involuntary movements of the face and mouth may occur in schizophrenia as a result of _________________.
A)Akinesia; neuroleptic drug treatment
B)Tardive dyskinesia; clozapine drug treatment
C)Parkinson's disease; increased levels of dopamine
D)Tardive dyskinesia; phenothiazine drug treatment

Research evaluating the effectiveness of psychosocial interventions has shown that:
A)Psychosocial interventions are effective, but only when they involve the schizophrenic's entire family.
B)Psychosocial interventions are effective when ongoing, but schizophrenic people tend to lose the gains that they make during the intervention over time.
C)Psychosocial interventions are best delivered in a cognitive-behavioral format, with a time-limited numbers of sessions.
D)Psychosocial interventions place blame on the schizophrenic person and his or her family for a biologically caused disorder and as such, actually do injustice to the people they purport to serve.

Which of the following is true about the drug chlorpromazine?
A)Chlorpromazine helps schizophrenic people control the positive symptoms of their disorder by blocking the D1 and D2 receptors for dopamine.
B)Chlorpromazine affects more neurotransmitters than dopamine alone, which is one reason why it is thought to help reduce negative as well as positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
C)Chlorpromazine binds to different dopamine receptors than other neuroleptic drugs, and consequently has fewer side effects than most drug treatments for schizophrenia.
D)Chlorpromazine should only be taken when a relapse is expected, or when symptoms are particularly bothersome; otherwise, neurological side effects can occur.

A man who believes he is Napoleon is suffering from a:
A)Persecutory delusion.
B)Delusion of thought control.
C)Grandiose delusion.
D)Delusion of reference.

Associations between words that are based on the sounds of the words rather than the content are known as:
D)Word salad.

Emil Kraepelin believed that the disorder he coined _____ resulted from premature deterioration of the brain.
B)format thought disorder
C)dementia praecox
D)multiple personality disorder

Repetitive imitation of the movements of another person is known as:

A brain area that is important in language, emotional expression, and planning, and which is smaller and shows less activity in people with schizophrenia, is the:
A)Basal ganglia.
C)Frontal cortex.
D)Temporal lobe.

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