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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Harold has a family history of depression, and he just experienced the death of his wife, which has been very difficult for him. He developed major depressive symptoms shortly after her death. Which of the following concepts does this example illustrate?
A)the vulnerability-stress model
B)the psychological approach
C)the feedback loop
D)the nature-nurture question

Cocaine _________ the action of dopamine by slowing down its reuptake.

Which of the following statements is true?
A)Genes are made of chromosomes, which are made of DNA.
B)DNA is made of genes, which is made of chromosomes.
C)Chromosomes are made of genes, which are made of DNA.
D)DNA is made of chromosomes, which are made of genes.

Most mental disorders result from:
A)a single faulty gene.
B)a faulty X chromosome from the mother.
C)whole chromosome abnormalities.
D)a combination of faulty genes.

If the concordance rate for a disorder is 30% among DZ twins, but 80% among MZ twins, this suggests that the disorder:
A)results in part from genetic causes.
B)results in part from environmental causes.
C)results entirely from genetic causes.
D)does not result at all from genetic causes.

Many people favor biological theories of mental disorders because:
A)They are reductionistic and formulate complex behaviors in simple biological terms.
B)They are based on studies of animals rather than humans.
C)They are typically developed based on theoretically derived hypotheses and careful testing of those hypotheses.
D)They take away the stigma and blame placed on the individual suffering from the disorder.

According to Freud, introjection is responsible for ______________.
A)penis envy.
B)channeling libido into activities that balance the demands of society and the moral conscience.
C)incorporation of the standards of others into one's own thinking.
D)holding desires, memories, and emotions of which we are not aware.

Primary process thinking is:
A)rational deliberation.
B)imagining the desired object.
C)the opposite of the pleasure principle.
D)a characteristic only of infants, not adults.

The Oedipus complex occurs during the ___________ stage.

Children who begin to distinguish between good and bad aspects of the self+other image, but cannot distinguish between the self and other, are in which of the following stages, according to object relations theory?

Horney argued that:
A)Psychodynamic theory should view females as prototypical human beings.
B)Psychodynamic theory should attempt to explain normal and abnormal behavior with similar processes.
C)Psychodynamic theory does not emphasize the role of sex enough.
D)Psychodynamic theory is rich due to the large samples on which its claims are based.

If someone were to shriek out loud as lightning struck nearby, his or her shrieking would be the:
A)unconditioned stimulus.
B)conditioned response.
C)unconditioned response.
D)conditioned stimulus.

The Law of Effect states that:
A)Behaviors learned on a partial reinforcement schedule are harder to extinguish.
B)Pairing a conditioned stimulus with a conditioned response yields an unconditioned response.
C)Behaviors followed by a reward are strengthened, whereas those followed by punishment are weakened.
D)Behavior is most effectively shaped through classical conditioning.

A major problem for cognitive theories is:
A)The fact that they are abstract and cannot be tested scientifically.
B)The fact that they do not seem to recognize people's "free will."
C)The fact that they have not shown convincingly that cognitions precede and cause disorders.
D)The fact that they are studied in laboratories that do not resemble the real world.

According to Freud, the _____ is said to exist when an individual's defense mechanisms become maladaptive and distressing.
A)neurotic paradox
B)Oedipal complex
C)Electra complex
D)reality principle

According to Erikson, individuals pass through a psychosocial crisis known as __________ when they are in adolescence.
A)identity vs. confusion
B)integrity vs. despair
C)initiative vs. guilt
D)intimacy vs. isolation

_____ are at the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
A)physiological needs
B)self-actualization needs
C)cognitive needs
D)belongingness and love needs

Thoughts such as, "I should be loved by everyone for everything I do," are known as:
A)causal attributions
B)automatic negative thoughts
C)global assumptions
D)defense mechanisms

Judy has a mood disorder, but neither of her parents, nor any of her siblings or grandparents, has ever had one. How is this possible, according to what the chapter discussed about genetic transmission of mental disorders?
A)Judy must have been adopted.
B)Judy may have received enough abnormal genes from the chromosomes of her mother and father at birth to inevitably cause a mood disorder.
C)Some of Judy's family members may actually carry a predisposition for a mood disorder, but may never have experienced an interaction among genetic, biological, and environmental factors sufficient to cause the disorder.
D)The situation described is not possible according to what we know about genetics.

Inhibiting the process of reuptake in a neuron leads to:
A)Compensation by means of increasing the frequency of degradation.
B)A greater amount of neurotransmitter in the synapse.
C)A lesser amount of neurotransmitter in the synapse.
D)An increase in the number of dendrite receptors on the receiving neuron.

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