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personality  The sum total of the typical ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that makes each person unique.
traits  Relatively enduring patterns of behavior (thinking, acting, and feeling) that are relatively consistent across situations.
psychoanalytic theory  Freud's theory that the origin of personality lies in the balance among the id, the ego, and the superego.
conscious mind  That portion of the mind of which one is presently aware.
preconscious mind  That portion of the mind containing information that is not presently conscious but can be easily brought into consciousness.
unconscious mind  The part of the mind of which we can never be directly aware; the storehouse of primitive instinctual motives and of memories and emotions that have been repressed.
repression  Sigmund Freud's theory that unpleasant information is often pushed into unconsciousness without our being aware of it.
id  According to Freud, the inborn part of the unconscious mind that uses the primary process to satisfy its needs and that acts according to the pleasure principle.
libido  The energy of the life instincts of sex, hunger, and thirst.
pleasure principle  According to Freud, the attempt of the id to seek immediate pleasure and avoid pain, regardless of how harmful it might be to others.
primary process thinking  According to Freud, the attempt by the id to satisfy its needs by forming a wishfulfilling mental image of the desired object.
ego  According to Freud, that part of the mind that uses the reality principle to satisfy the id.
reality principle  According to Freud, the attempt by the ego to find safe, realistic ways of meeting the needs of the id.
superego  According to Freud, that part of the mind that opposes the desires of the id by enforcing moral restrictions and by striving to attain perfection.
conscience  According to Freud, the moral inhibitions of the superego.
ego ideal  According to Freud, the standard of perfect conduct of the superego.
displacement  A defense mechanism in which the individual directs aggressive or sexual feelings away from the primary object to someone or something safe.
sublimation  According to Freud, a form of displacement in which a socially desirable goal is substituted for a socially harmful goal; the best form of displacement for society as a whole.
identification  The tendency to base one's identity and actions on individuals who are successful in gaining satisfaction from life.
erogenous zones  A part of the body that releases sexual energy when stimulated.
psychosexual stages  In the personality theory of Sigmund Freud, developmental periods during which the sexual energy of the id finds different sources of satisfaction.
oral stage  According to Freud, the first psychosexual stage (from birth to 1 year), in which id gratification is focused on the mouth.
oral dependent personality  A personality type in which the person seeks pleasure through overeating, smoking, and other oral means.
oral aggressive personality  A personality type in which the person seeks pleasure by being verbally hostile to others.
anal stage  According to Freud, the second psychosexual stage (from 1 to 3 years), in which gratification is focused on the anus.
anal retentive  A personality type based on anal fixation, in which the person is stingy, obstinate, stubborn, and compulsive.
anal expulsive  A personality type based on anal fixation in which the person is cruel, pushy, messy, and disorderly.
phallic stage  According to Freud, the third psychosexual stage (from 3 to 6 years), in which gratification is focused on the genitals.
Oedipus complex  According to Freud, the unconscious wish of all male children to kill their fathers and sexually possess their mothers.
castration anxiety  According to Freud, the fear of a young boy that his father will punish his sexual desire for his mother by removing his genitals.
Electra complex  According to Freud, the transfer of a young girl's sexual desires from her mother to her father after she discovers she has no penis.
penis envy  According to Freud, the desire of a girl to possess a penis.
phallic personality  personality type caused by fixation in the phallic stage in which the person is selfish, impulsive, and lacking in genuine feeling for others.
latency stage  According to Freud, the fourth psychosexual stage (from about 6 to 11 years), during which sexual energy is sublimated and converted into socially valued activities.
genital stage  According to Freud, the psychosexual stage (from 11 years through adulthood) in which sexual and romantic interest is directed toward one's peers.
extraversion  According to Jung, the tendency of some individuals to be friendly and open to the world.
introversion  According to Jung, the tendency of some individuals to be shy and to focus their attention on themselves.
personal unconscious  According to Jung, the motives, conflicts, and information that are repressed by a person because they are threatening to that individual.
collective unconscious  According to Jung, the content of the unconscious mind with which all humans are born.
feelings of inferiority  According to Adler, the feelings that result from children being less powerful than adults that must be overcome during the development of the healthy personality.
social learning theory  The viewpoint that the most important parts of our behavior are learned from other persons in society--family, friends, and culture.
reciprocal determination  Bandura's observation that the individual's behavior and the social learning environment continually influence one another.
self-efficacy  According to Bandura, the perception of being capable of achieving one's goals.
self-regulation  According to Bandura, the process of cognitively reinforcing and punishing our own behavior, depending on whether it meets our personal standards.
situationism  The view that behavior is not consistent but is strongly influenced by different situations.
person × situation interactionism  The view that behavior is influenced by a combination of the characteristics of both the person and the situation.
humanistic theory  The psychological view that human beings possess an innate tendency to improve and to determine their lives through the decisions they make.
inner-directedness  A force that humanists believe all people possess that internally leads them to grow and improve.
subjective reality  Each person's unique perception of reality that, according to humanists, plays a key role in organizing our personalities.
self-concept  Our subjective perception of who we are and what we are like.
self  According to humanists, the person one thinks one is.
ideal self  According to humanists, the person one wishes one were.
symbolization  In Rogers' theory, the process of representing experience, thoughts, or feelings in mental symbols of which we are aware.
conditions of worth  The standards used by others or ourselves in judging our worth.
self-actualization  According to Maslow, the seldom reached full result of the inner-directed drive of humans to grow, improve, and use their potential to the fullest.
peak experiences  Intensely moving experiences in which the individual feels a sense of unity with the world.
interview  A subjective method of personality assessment that involves questioning techniques designed to reveal the personality of the client.
observational methods  Methods of personality assessment that involve watching a person's actual behavior in a natural or simulated situation.
projective test  A test that uses ambiguous stimuli designed to reveal the contents of the client's unconscious mind.

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