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If you are honest only when there's the possibility of not getting caught for your dishonesty, Allport might say your honesty is a
A)cardinal trait.
B)central trait.
C)common trait.
D)secondary trait.

If Jacklyn is described as high in openness, you might expect her to be

In recent studies using the functional MRI, women high in extraversion displayed
A)higher levels of activation in the amygdala when shown scenes depicting positive emotions.
B)lower levels of activation in the amygdala when shown scenes depicting positive emotions.
C)higher levels of activation in regions of the cerebral cortex when shown scenes depicting negative emotions.
D)lower levels of activation in regions of the cerebral cortex when shown scenes depicting negative emotions.

According to Freud, primary process thinking is a function of the
D)both id and ego.

According to Freud, the ego is responsible for
A)making moral decisions.
B)making rational decisions.
C)motivating individuals to meet sexual and aggressive urges.
D)negotiating between practical reality and irrational wants.

For Freud, an individual who, as an adult, is stubborn, compulsive, and obstinate, may have been fixated in the
A)oral stage.
B)phallic stage.
C)genital stage.
D)anal stage.

Which theorist is credited with authoring the idea of introverted and extroverted personality traits?
A)Gorden Allport
B)Carl Jung
C)Carl Rogers
D)Alfred Adler

According to Adler, which motive drives personality development?
A)the sexual motive
B)social interest
C)the need to aggress
D)anxious insecurity

Which statement best characterizes the concept of self-efficacy?
A)I am loved.
B)I can do it.
C)My family loves me.
D)The world is safe.

Which perspective sees society as an influence that places unrealistic expectations on individuals, which ultimately blocks self-awareness?
A)the psychoanalytic perspective
B)the humanistic perspective
C)social learning theory
D)trait theory

Of the personality perspectives presented, which perspective does not recognize an "unconscious" mind?
A)the psychoanalytic perspective
B)the humanistic perspective
C)social learning theory
D)trait theory

Which method of personality assessment is a projective test?
C)the thematic apperception test
D)the MMPI-2

In an objective personality test, answers
A)are not clear-cut.
B)involve the use of rating scales.
C)involve subjective observations of performance.
D)are forced-choice.

If your depression scale is significantly elevated on an MMPI-2 test, it means you
A)answered many of the questions in the same way as a group of depressed persons did to standardize the test.
B)looked at pictures of people and made up stories where the dominant themes were sadness and negativity.
C)answered interview questions in a way that projected negativity.
D)looked at inkblots and saw dark themes and disturbing figures.

In the Isen and Levin study, if men found a coin in the telephone coin return, how many were then willing to help a stranger in need?
A)25 percent
B)50 percent
C)75 percent
D)90 percent

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