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health psychology  The field of psychology that uses psychological principles to encourage healthy lifestyles and to minimize the impact of physical illness.
stress  Any event or circumstance that strains or exceeds an individual's ability to cope.
frustration  The result of being unable to satisfy a motive.
conflict  The state in which two or more motives cannot be satisfied because they interfere with one another.
approach-approach conflict  Conflict in which the individual must choose between two positive goals of approximately equal value.
avoidance-avoidance conflict  Conflict in which the individual must choose between two negative outcomes of approximately equal value.
approach-avoidance conflict  Conflict in which achieving a positive goal will produce a negative outcome as well.
multiple approach-avoidance conflict  Conflict that requires the individual to choose between two alternatives, each of which contains both positive and negative consequences.
pressure  Stress that arises from the threat of negative events.
life events  Psychologically significant events that occur in a person's life, such as divorce, childbirth, or change in employment.
general adaptation syndrome (GAS)  According to Selye, the mobilization of the body to ward off threats, characterized by a three-stage pattern of the alarm reaction, the resistance stage, and the exhaustion stage.
immune system  The complex body system of defenses to illness, such as white cells and natural killer cells of the blood.
social support  The role played by friends and relatives in providing advice, assistance, and someone in whom to confide private feelings.
person variables  All characteristics of an individual that are relatively enduring, such as ways of thinking, beliefs, or physiological reactivity to stress.
Type A personality  The pattern of behavior characterized most by intense competitiveness, hostility, overwork, and a sense of time urgency.
coping  Attempts by individuals to deal with the source of stress and/or control their reactions to it.
defense mechanisms  According to Freud, the unrealistic strategies used by the ego to discharge tension.
progressive relaxation training  A method of learning to deeply relax the muscles of the body.

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