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Maturation is
A)the process of adapting to environmental changes.
B)the physical growth of the nervous system and body.
C)the process of integrating biological and environmental changes.
D)the process of learning responsibility and self-control.

In terms of early social deprivation, female monkeys raised in early isolation
A)became overprotective mothers.
B)became abusive mothers.
C)never initiated adult sexual activity.
D)became competent mothers only if they were exposed to other competent mother models.

You ask your child why she should not take things that don't belong to her. She replies, "Because the police would arrest me and take me to jail." According to Kohlberg, your child is demonstrating
A)premoral reasoning.
B)conventional reasoning.
C)principled reasoning.
D)self-sacrificing reasoning.

According to Gilligan, morality as __________ is attained only after becoming aware of the needs of others.
A)individual survival

According to Erickson, children between the ages of ___________ are likely to be in the industry versus inferiority stage of personality development.
A)3 and 5
B)5 and 11
C)11 and 15
D)16 and 18

Which two stages of Erickson's theory of personality development are in the correct order?
A)integrity vs. despair; generativity vs. stagnation
B)intimacy vs. isolation; autonomy vs. shame and doubt
C)intimacy vs. isolation; industry vs. inferiority
D)autonomy vs. shame and doubt; initiative vs. guilt

How did Piaget determine whether or not a child had developed object permanence?
A)He watched to see if the child cried when the object disappeared.
B)He watched to see if the child actively searched for the hidden object.
C)He watched to see if the child looked in the direction of where the object was last seen.
D)He watched to see if the child looked in the direction of where the object was hidden.

When a child cannot take the perspective of another person, it is called
A)transductive reasoning.
C)solitary play.

In males, which of the following is a primary sex characteristic?
A)growth of the testes
B)sperm production
C)thickening of the vocal cords
D)facial hair growth

According to Piaget, what advantage does formal operational thought have over concrete operational thought?
A)It is more abstract.
B)It is more logical.
C)It is reversible.
D)It involves the ability to decenter.

Which statement best characterizes Levinson's view of adult development?
A)Adult development is stable and unchanging.
B)Adult development is a time of gradual yet steady declines in life satisfaction.
C)Adult development is a time in which individuals gain an appreciation for life.
D)Adult development is a series of alternating transition and stabilization periods.

Lately, Gregory spends a lot of time reflecting on his life and the contributions he has already made for future generations. According to Erickson, Gregory would be in the _____________ stage of personality development.
A)industry versus inferiority
B)intimacy versus isolation
C)generativity versus stagnation
D)integrity versus despair

For the majority of adults, mid-life is a time
A)to make positive decisions about career and family.
B)to radically change their lifestyles.
C)of feeling inadequate and depressed.
D)to grieve the loss of youth.

The best strategy for happiness in old age is
A)to keep busy.
B)to maintain health.
C)to relax.
D)to be economically prepared.

According to Kubler-Ross, in the typical grief pattern, bargaining is followed by

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