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Behaviorism  Psychological school emphasizing the importance of behavior and the external environment as a determinant of human behavior and learning.
Direct instruction model  An approach to teaching basic skills and sequential material, in which lessons are highly goal directed and learning environments are tightly structured by the teacher.
Distributed practice  Practice assigned to students to be done for brief periods spread over several sessions or periods of time.
Guided practice  Practice assigned to students to be completed under the guidance or watchful eye of the teacher.
Independent practice  Practice given to students to accomplish on their own without the teacher's guidance.
Knowledge of results  Feedback given to students about their performance.
Massed practice  Practice assigned to students to be done during a single extended period of time.
Overlearning  Working or practicing a task or skill until it is learned completely and can be performed automatically.
Process-product research  Research method characterized by studying the relationships between what teachers do (process) and the effects on student achievement (product).
Social learning theory  Perspective about learning that posits that much of what humans learn is through the observation of others.
Task analysis  A process for breaking down complex learning tasks into fundamental parts or subdividing complex skills into specific subskills so they can be mastered one at a time.
Teacher effectiveness research  Refers to research that aims at finding relationships between teaching behavior and student achievement.

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