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Multiple Choice Quiz
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All of the following are advances in children's self-descriptions as they reach middle childhood except that
A)their descriptions are more black and white.
B)their descriptions are more balanced.
C)their descriptions are multidimensional.
D)children in middle childhood can compare their real selves with their ideal selves.

In contrast to Erikson, Susan Harter's research has found that school age children in the United States rate themselves more in terms of their
A)mastery of skills.
B)physical appearance.
D)athletic abilities.

Which child is most likely to develop empathy and other prosocial behaviors?
A)Dominique, whose parents say, "Oh, Honey, don't feel that way. Everything will be okay" when she feels sad.
B)Franny, whose parents tease her when she is sad.
C)Henrietta, whose parents acknowledge her sad feelings.
D)Jacqueline, whose parents tell her, "Stop crying or we'll give you something to cry about" when she feels sad.

Which child would not be expected to do as well as the others academically?
A)Martin, an eight-year-old boy who lives in a low income family and whose mother works.
B)Martina, an eight-year-old girl who lives in a low income family and whose mother works.
C)Max, an eight-year-old boy who lives in a middle class family and whose mother works.
D)Maxine, an eight-year-old girl who lives in a middle class family and whose mother works.

Adjustment problems for adopted children are most likely to occur
A)in open adoptions.
B)with transracial adoptions.
C)for children who are adopted in infancy.
D)around the time of the child's sexual maturation.

Research on the effects of divorce on children suggest all of the following except
A)Parents in troubled marriages should stay together for the sake of the children.
B)as adults, children of divorce exhibit more malaise then those whose parents remained married.
C)as adults, children of divorce are more likely to be unemployed.
D)Some children whose parents divorce benefit from learning coping skills that make them more competent and independent.

Which child would be expected to have the fewest problems socially and educationally?
A)Meredith, who lives with her mother and sees her father every other weekend.
B)Bret, who lives with his mother, his sister, his stepfather, and his stepfather's two children.
C)Dora, who lives with her mother and stepfather and their new baby.
D)Richard, who lives with his mother and her lesbian partner who has legally adopted Richard.

The most effective way to counteract prejudice is to
A)teach children about the contributions of people from different ethnic, racial, and religious groups.
B)explain to children how harmful prejudice can be.
C)teach children empathy.
D)have children form different ethnic groups work together toward a common goal.

Which child is most likely to become popular as he moves into adolescence?
A)Kenny, who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
B)Jonathan, who is aggressive.
C)Lenny, whose parents use an authoritarian parenting style and harsh punishment.
D)Manuel, who believes that no one can or ever will like him.

Which statement about friendship is middle childhood is not correct?
A)With their friends, children learn to communicate, cooperate, and resolve conflict.
B)Through friendships, children learn about themselves and others.
C)Children in middle childhood need both independence and autonomy.
D)Friends help each other get through stressful transitions.

Studies assessing the effects of watching television on children's aggression consistently show that
A)the more television children watch, the more harmful the effects of television viewing.
B)violence has a negative effect only on children who are already aggressive.
C)children are able to separate their values and ideals in real life from what they see on television.
D)although violence on television has a large impact on children from 8 to 12 years old, the effects subside as they get older.

Since she started a new school two months, Angelique's behavior has changed. She no longer seems to have any fun, she has problems with concentration, fatigue, and apathy. She feels worthless and believes she has no friends. Angelique most likely is suffering from
A)separation anxiety disorder.
B)childhood depression.
C)generalized anxiety disorder.
D)obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Statistical analyses suggest that which type of therapy is most effective for treating children?
A)art therapy
B)behavior therapy
C)play therapy
D)drug therapy

Which child is most likely to succumb to the negative effects of stress?
A)Chen, who has a high IQ and is good at problem solving.
B)Eugene, who goes straight home after school every day to care for his sick mother and younger brother.
C)Phil, whose teachers have "taken him under their wing" and mentor him.
D)Rodney, who excels in playing the violin and is popular with his classmates.

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