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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Selma's baby is moving through his mother's cervix into the vaginal canal. Shelma is in which stage of childbirth?

The research on cesarean deliveries shows that
A)the rates of cesarean delivery in the United States have steadily declined since the end of the 20th century.
B)cesarean deliveries have a high rate of serious complications.
C)if a woman had a previous cesarean delivery, then all subsequent deliveries must be cesarean as well.
D)cesarean deliveries are typically needed when the fetus in either a breach or transverse position.

Prepared childbirth
A)attempts to minimize the mother's pain during delivery by teaching her about the physiology of reproduction and training her in breathing and relaxation.
B)uses instruction, breathing exercises, and social support to induce controlled physical responses to uterine contractions and reduce fear and pain.
C)uses only a minimal amount of pain medication during delivery.
D)involves a prescheduled cesarean delivery.

Neonatal jaundice
A)is a rare condition in newborns.
B)is a serious condition that needs immediate treatment for most newborns.
C)has long term effects.
D)occurs three or four days after birth in about 50% of newborns.

Two-month-old Dawn is breathing irregularly, her muscles are twitching, her eyes are closed, but there are occasional rapid eye movements. She smiles slightly when her mother talks to her. Dawn is in which state of arousal?
A)waking activity
B)regular sleep
C)irregular sleep

Quamie was born after 38 weeks of gestation and weighed five pounds. He would be considered
C)low birthweight
D)very low birthweight

Which of the following would not be a risk factor for having a low birthweight baby?
A)The mother is overweight.
B)The mother is 16 years old.
C)The mother is short and thin.
D)The mother smokes half a pack of cigarettes a day and drinks a glass of wine each night to relax.

Emmy Werner's longitudinal study of high risk children in Hawaii identified all of the following to be protective factors that reduced the impact of early stress, except
A)individual attributes that may be largely genetic.
B)fewer sources of stress during childhood, such as poverty or parents' divorce.
C)affectionate ties with at least one supportive family member.
D)rewards at school, work, or place of worship that provide a sense of meaning and control over one's life.

Research with human babies that compares breast feeding with formula feeding has found that
A)breast milk is more digestible and more nutritious than formula milk and is less likely to produce allergic reactions.
B)formula milk is more digestible and more nutritious than breast milk and is less likely to produce allergic reactions.
C)giving a child cow's milk is an adequate substitute for breast feeding.
D)because breast feeding provides a baby with immunities, it is particularly recommended for mothers infected with the AIDS virus.

Follow up studies of children from Romanian orphanages at age 4-1/2 found that
A)the children's plasticity helped them overcome their early deprivation.
B)despite delayed psychosocial development the children had caught up with their non-adopted age peers in terms of motor and language development.
C)as a group, even those who had spent 8 months or more in an orphanage had caught up with their non-adopted age peers by age 4-1/2.
D)the severity of social problems seen in these children reflected the amount of time spent in the orphanages, the age and income of the parents, and the children's IQ.

With respect to newborns' early sensory capacities
A)physicians are able to perform surgery without anesthesia because newborn do not feel pain.
B)by two days after birth, newborns can differentiate the odor of their mother's breast pad from that of another nursing mother.
C)hearing develops in the womb.
D)vision is the most developed sense at birth.

Your friend Edna tells you her 15-month-old son can sit without support, grasp objects with his thumb and finger, stand well by himself, and can walk well. However, he can't walk up stairs or build a tower with two blocks. Compared with 90% o other children,
A)Edna's son is behind.
B)Edna's son is right on schedule.
C)Edna's son is ahead of schedule.
D)you do not have enough information to say how the child is doing.

With regard to babies' motor development
A)Eleanor and James Gibson found that sensory and motor activity begin to be coordinated by age six months.
B)it is physical maturation, not experience, that is the primary factor in the rate of children's motor development.
C)U.S. and European babies tend to be more advanced than African babies in sitting, walking, and running.
D)motor development follows a universal sequence, although its pace depends on contextual factors.

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