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Effective Problem Solving in the Small Group
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For high-quality solutions in groups, members must have information about the problem, as well as:
B)group cohesiveness
C)knowledge about the process of problem solving
D)all of the above

Research has found that most problem-solving groups change discussion themes on average:
A)every 2 minutes
B)every 58 seconds
C)every 5 minutes
D)it depends on the complexity of the problem

Which of the follwoing terms refers to the act of choosing among options that already exist?
A)problem solving
B)group communication
C)group dynamics
D)decision making

A discrepancy between what actually is happening and what should be going on is the definition of:
A)decision making
B)a problem
C)problem solving
D)an obstacle

All problems consist of which of the following components?
A)an existing, undesirable situation
B)a goal or desired state
C)obstacles to reaching the goal
D)all of the above

The component of a problem that refers to an existing, undesirable situation means that:
A)the group has identified an problematic issue for the group
B)the group needs consensus regarding the essence of the problem at hand
C)someone must be dissatisfied with the way things are
D)all of the above

Anything that interferes with reaching the goal in problem solving is called a(n):
A)problem characteristic
C)undesirable situation
D)group miscommunication

Which of the following problem characteristics refers to the problem's complexity?
A)population familiarity
B)cooperative requirements
C)solution multiplicity
D)task difficulty

The characteristic of a problem that refers to the number of conceivable or feasible alternatives for solving the problem is:
A)solution multiplicity
B)population familiarity
C)cooperative requirements
D)intrinsic interest

Research indicates that when group members' interest is high in the problem, members at first want to express opinions and feelings and will resist strict procedural control. This information relates to what characteristic of a problem?
A)cooperative requirements
B)intrinsic interest
C)population familiarity
D)all of the above

Which of the following problem characteristics refers to the degree to which coordinated efforts are essential to satisfactory completion of a task?
A)cooperative requirements
B)intrinsic interest
C)population familiarity
D)solution multiplicity

After careful study, a planning group recommends that the city require all cat owners to obtain licenses for their feline friends. The townspeople, however, complain bitterly, and many refuse to comply. This is an example of:
A)cooperative requirements
B)population familiarity
C)acceptance requirements
D)solution multiplicity

The ___________ is the amount of authority given to the group.
A)technological expertise
B)acceptance ability
C)solution multiplicity
D)area of freedom

Vigilant Interaction Theory states that:
A)a designated leader of a group should be vigilant regarding members' communication skills
B)the quality of a group's performance depends directly on the quality of the group's interaction
C)effective group problem solving relates directly to how much authority the leader is given
D)ineffective group problem solving is likely to occur if vigilant interaction is allowed to integrate the group's communication

Which of the following issues comprise Vigilant Interaction Theory and should be addressed by group problem solvers?
A)Is there something about the current state of affairs that requires improvement or change?
B)What do we want to achieve or accomplish in deciding what to do about the problem?
C)What are the choices available to us?
D)all of the above

People who size up a situation and then arrive at a solution without consciously following any perceptible procedure are ___________ problem solvers.

A Vigilant Interaction approach to problem solving involves ___________ problem solvers.
C)group problem solvers
D)all of the above

Which of the following is the term for the standards against which available options must be judged?
D)area of freedom

What is P-MOPS?
A)a software program that will provide groups with a systematic procedure for problem solving
B)a procedural model that provides a systematic structure for group problem solving
C)cooperative requirements of groups when engaged in systematic problem solving
D)all of the above

Computer-based systems designed to improve the quality and speed of group problem solving are:
A)group support systems
B)procedural models of problem solving
C)vigilant interaction theories
D)technical requirements for problem solving

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