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The Small Group as a System
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Which best defines the term system as used in small group discussion?
A)a theory that explains how members in groups interrelate
B)the mechanistic aspect of small group components
C)a set of relationships among interdependent, interacting components and forces
D)all of the above

When thinking about the small group as a system, what is the key component that connects all of the system's relevant parts?
D)none of the above

When a new baby enters a household, every family member is affected. This is an example of:
A)multiple causation
C)small group communication

In a given group, the leadership is shared—one member possesses expertise and another member coordinates decision-making democratically. The result is the group's success in a given goal. This is an example of:
A)general systems theory
B)multiple causation

A basketball team that performs much more competitively than the abilities of each individual player is an example of:
A)synergistic relationships
B)negative nonsummativity
C)positive nonsummativity

Properties of individual members of a group such as their skills, expertise, attitudes, gender, and ethnicity are referred to as:
B)system-level variables
C)individual-level variables
D)all of the above

System-level variables are:
A)characteristics of the group as a whole, including preexisting societal and cultural norms, the degree of cohesiveness, and procedures the group uses.
B)properties of individual members of a group such as their skills, expertise, attitudes, gender, and ethnicity
C)components from which a small group is formed and that it uses to do its work
D)how a group transforms inputs into final products

The three broad categories of system variables are:
A)input, throughput, and feedback
B)individual, system, and multi-level
C)input, output, and feedback
D)input, throughput, and output

The group's members, the reasons for the group's formation, resources, and environmental conditions are examples of ___________ variables:

A group's rules, the procedures it follows, its leadership, and communication among members are:
A)input variables
B)throughput variables
C)output variables

The church board example discussed in the text is an example of what type of group?
A)small group
B)primary group
C)secondary group
D)both a primary and secondary group

Feedback is:
A)the setting in which the group exists
B)open system characteristics
C)closed system characteristics
D)information that helps the system determine whether or not it needs to make adjustments to reach its goals

A major strength of small groups is the sense of belonging that members create and act upon. This is referred to as:
A)communication dynamics
B)environmental influences
C)environment fluidity

Which of the following describes the reciprocal relationship between a group and its environment?
A)Members, because they belong to other groups, create situations in which they often communicate between groups.
B)Groups frequently have to coordinate their actions with other groups within the same parent organization.
C)Frequently, internal and external communication occurs about how group goals should be interpreted, the extent of group's authority, and the existence of support.
D)all of the above

A group in which its members come from different organizations and form a temporary alliance in order to attain a particular purpose is called a:
A)decision-making group
B)traditional group
C)collaborating group
D)virtual group

A classroom group that receives information from the instructor, other classmates, friends outside class, and media or news sources is an example of a(n):
A)closed system
B)open system
C)collaborating group
D)virtual group

A group's boundary spanner:
A)initiates transactions to import or export needed resources such as information or support for a group
B)responds to initiatives by outsiders
C)initiates changes in the membership of the group
D)all of the above

A member of a group who monitors for outside support of the group and who brings in information from the environment is serving what function of a boundary spanner?
A)task coordinator

Which are input characteristics that are effective in problem-solving groups?
A)Members share basic values and beliefs about the purpose of the group and each other.
B)The number of members is small enough for all to be active participants and perceptually aware of each other and large enough to supply a variety of knowledge and competencies.
C)The group's purpose is understood and accepted by all members.
D)all of the above

Members are skilled at expressing themselves interpersonally and are considerate of other members of a group. This is an example of an effective:
A)throughput variable
B)input variable
C)output variable
D)environmental support

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