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Psychology basis its work on careful, scientific study of an issue by methods such as survey, interviews, and experimental studies, to name a few. Claims made about a new "virtual reality" are not based on science but on emotion and anecdotal information. The power of suggestion by influential people, and the desire to get the "quick fix" and find happiness and contentment sometimes lead one to believe that others have found the answer. In reality these people have little or no scientific data to support their claims and any good feeling is short lived and cannot be proven to come directly from programs, pills, or the lifestyles that make the claims.

Law enforcement and the criminal justice field both work to identify the causes of criminal behavior. They study people's conscious and unconscious motivations for committing offences. They are also interested in whether or not people are born (nature) with certain personality traits or live in environments (nurture) that support criminal behaviors. Researchers in these fields try to find ways to both understand and change certain behaviors. Each of the five contemporary psychologists would have their own approach

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