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Key Terms
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Univariate strategy  A data analysis strategy in which multiple dependent measures are analyzed independently with separate statistical tests.
Multivariate strategy  A data analysis strategy in which multiple dependent measures are analyzed with a single, multivariate statistical test.
Multivariate design  A research design in which multiple dependent or predictor variables are included.
Multiple regression  Multivariate linear regression analysis used when you have a single criterion variable and multiple predictor variables.
Discriminant analysis  Multivariate statistical technique used when you have multiple predictor variables and a categorical criterion variable.
Canonical correlation  Multivariate statistical techniques used to correlate two sets of variables.
Factor analysis  Multivariate statistical technique that uses correlations between variables to determine the underlying dimensions (factors) represented by the variables.
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)  Multivariate analog to the analysis of variance used to analyze data from an experimental design with multiple dependent variables.
Partial correlation  Multivariate correlational statistic used to examine the relationship between two variables with the effect of a third variable removed from both of them.
Part correlation  Multivariate correlational statistic used to examine the relationship between two variables with the effects of a third variable removed from only one of them.
Multiple R  The correlation between the best linear combination of predictor variables entered into a multiple regression analysis and the dependent variable.
R-square  The square of the multiple R in a multiple regression analysis. Provides a measure of the amount of variability in the dependent measure accounted for by the best linear combination of predictor variables.
Beta weight  Standardized regression weight used to interpret the results of a linear regression analysis. A beta weight can be interpreted as a partial correlation coefficient.
Multiway frequency analysis  A class of alternatives to ANOVA, MANOVA, or regression analysis for use when you want to measure or manipulate categorical variables.
Loglinear analysis  A nonparametric, multivariate statistical technique used primarily to evaluate data from multifactor research with a nominal dependent variable. It can also be used on interval or ratio data that violate the assumptions of the analysis of variance.
Path analysis  An application of multiple regression used to develop and test causal models using correlational data.

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