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Essay Quiz
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What will contribute to the healthy development of autonomy and independence in adolescents? Does such development require so called “detachment” and severance of emotional ties from parents as proposed by psychoanalytic theorists? Is an increase in stress upon the family system a required component to the successful development of an adolescent’s autonomy?

Imagine you are a counselor working with a teenager who is talking about running away from home. Speculate on this teenager’s psychological and emotional functioning, and develop a profile of the parenting methods used in this teen’s home. Based on the profile of the teen and parents, design an intervention that would ultimately reunite teen with parents, and lead to an acceptance on the part of all family members that an intervention is needed to restore family harmony.

You are a parent of a 14-year-old who is home alone after school each day for a couple of hours. What difficulties might arise for this youngster in regard to autonomous functioning? What precautions will you take as a parent to ensure his/her safety?

What impact will the various family structures (two-parent, single parent, blended family, etc.) have upon the course of adolescent development with regard to independence and autonomy? What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the various family structures in fostering the development of healthy autonomy?

Why can’t social scientists state conclusively that certain parenting practices foster the development of autonomy? What kind of research would social scientists need to do to establish a causal link between parenting and psychosocial development? Would this type of research be feasible? ethical?

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