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Case Study: Presentation Propriety
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Brenda is an attractive woman in her late 20s. She works in an advertising firm and has been asked to give a presentation that pitches a new ad campaign to three members of a German pharmaceutical company. Brenda is a petite woman, so she decides to wear relatively high heels for the presentation. She wants to look both professional and attractive, so she also chooses a dark blazer and mini-skirt for the occasion.

Brenda has been in many professional speaking situations, so she is confident during her presentation. She successfully weaves in her PowerPoint aids and maintains her enthusiasm. After the presentation, however, her supervisor pulls her aside and questions her choice of clothing, suggesting, in effect, that she has distracted her audience by wearing a mini-skirt.


1. How important is physical appearance to the effectiveness of a public presentation?

2. What assumptions do you make based on the way someone is dressed?

3. Was the supervisor's comment appropriate?

Dobkin, Comm ChangingWorld2006Online Learning Center with Powerweb

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