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Debt-metaphor  English's term for using the terms owing and debt in situations where they may and may not be appropriate.. Appropriate use: a situation in which favors are owed. Inappropriate use: a situation of friendship or family relationship
Ethical pluralism  Several moral systems working simultaneously within one culture.
Moral courage  courage that often goes on without a feeling of accomplishment, reward and sometimes acknowledgement; not visible; standing up for someone/something you believe in.
Negative command  Hallie's term for a moral command involving a prohibition, such as "Don't lie" or "Don't cause harm". See positive command.
Pacifism  The belief that war and violence are morally wrong, regardless of the circumstances
Parable  A short narrative told to make a moral or religious point.
Physical courage  disregarding physical danger for the sake of others' life, liberty, property, or simply happiness; is visible
Pluralism  The branch of multiculturalism that believes racial and ethnic discrimination in a population of cultural diversity can be abolished by a shared orientation in each other's cultural traditions and history. Also called inclusive multiculturalism. Also: any theory or culture that includes several different viewpoints.
Way, the  Chinese: Tao (Dao). The morally and philosophically correct path to follow.
Yin and yang  The two cosmic principles of Taoism, opposing forces that keep the universe in balance.

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