Site MapHelpFeedbackNormal Versus Abnormal: Making the Distinction
Normal Versus Abnormal: Making the Distinction

Defining Abnormality

Identifying Normal and Abnormal Behavior: Drawing the Line on Psychological Disorders

Perspectives on Abnormality: From Superstition to Science

The Medical Perspective

The Psychoanalytic Perspective

The Behavioral Perspective

The Cognitive Perspective

The Humanistic Perspective

The Sociocultural Perspective

Classifying Abnormal Behavior: The ABCs of DSM

DSM-IV-TR: Determining Diagnostic Distinctions

Conning the Classifiers: The Shortcomings of DSM-IV-TR

Key concepts for Module 37:

Discuss the various approaches to defining abnormal behavior.

Describe and distinguish the various perspectives of abnormality, and apply those perspectives to specific mental disorders.

Describe the DSM-IV-TR and its use in diagnosing and classifying mental disorders.

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