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Observation: Writing Guide
Explore this comprehensive online guide to conducting observational research. Includes types and methods of qualitative research and information about how to conduct such research.
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Essentials of Participant Observation
Links to two online texts that describe the participant observation method of data collection. Includes student activities.
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Taking Measure: Start With a Plan, Pick Subjects Carefully, Train Interviewers to Listen
This article outlines strategies and techniques for conducting interviews effectively.
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The Use of Focus Group Methodology in Education
Drawing upon recent reviews of focus group methodology and examples of how focus group interviews have been used by researchers and educators, this article provides practical recommendations for making focus groups an effective tool in education.
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Qualitative Research: Data Collection and Validity
This paper offers helpful advice regarding taking notes, interviewing, and effectively logging data. Includes a discussion of how to control for validity and reliability in qualitative research.
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Design and Evaluate ResearchOnline Learning Center with Powerweb

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