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film score  All of the music accompanying a film.
Mickey Mousing  Musically mimicking or accenting an action.
source or diagetic music  Music heard by characters in the film as well as by the film audience.
functional or nondiagetic music  Music heard by the audience only.
sound track  All of the dialogue, sound effects, and music of a film.
classical Hollywood film score  Lush orchestral scores particularly associated with films of the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.
fanfare  A brief, dramatic phrase or piece for brass instruments (and perhaps percussion), with the character of an announcement or a celebration.
theremin  The earliest electronic musical instrument.
quarter tones  Tones lying halfway between half steps.
new age  A soft rock style providing soothing, repetitious blocks of gentle, unassuming sounds produced by synthesizers or acoustic folk instruments.
temp  Temporary film score, composed of existing music independent of the film, offered to demonstrate to a film’s composer the type of music desired.

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