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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Lotta Munny saw a cute little poodle puppy in the pet store window and bought it. When she brought it home, her husband became angry because (Learning Goal 1)
A)of what she did.
B)he guesses he will be the one to take care of it.
C)she is constantly spending money and they cannot afford it.
D)he feels his opinion does not matter if she does not consult him first.
When a Kengstonian company marketed a new beverage in the neighboring country of Argman, they did not realize that the name of the beverage in Argmanian meant “tastes like boiled slugs.” Obviously, the marketing team did not consider (Learning Goal 1)
A)the transactional aspect of communication.
B)the sociocultural dimensions of context.
C)the noise factor of interpersonal communication.
D)none of the above.
Incognita is a woman living in the city with her husband and children. This is part of her (Learning Goal 2)
A)open self.
B)hidden self.
C)blind self.
D)unknown self.
Incognita secretly desires to become a cheerleader in the NFL. This is part of her (Learning Goal 2)
A)open self.
B)hidden self.
C)blind self.
D)unknown self.
Incognita constantly interrupts people’s conversations and is extremely self-centered. This is part of her (Learning Goal 2)
A)open self.
B)hidden self.
C)blind self.
D)unknown self.
Incognita has a drinking problem that she refuses to admit to herself. She hides this behavior from everyone. This is part of her (Learning Goal 2)
A)open self.
B)hidden self.
C)blind self
D)unknown self.
Romantica finally got up enough courage to tell Hector that she admired him greatly and was deeply attracted to him. Romantica is (Learning Goal 2)
A)using reflective skills.
B)showing her open self.
C)is engaging in risky self-disclosure.
D)is engaging in assertive communication.
Lumpy Dander told his grandmother that he needed money for school supplies and clothes. Initially, she refused. He whined that he would get detention if he did not have the supplies and kids would make fun of his old clothes. His grandmother, feeling sorry for him, gave in and gave him money. Lumpy immediately went and bought a cell phone. This is an example of (Learning Goal 2)
A)aggressive communication.
B)manipulative communication.
C)passive communication.
D)assertive communication.
Consola and Megadoro have been married for several years. Every morning Consola talks about what she hopes her day will be like and what she will do. Megadoro reads the paper and gives an occasional grunt until he asks what the weather will be like and what’s for dinner. Consola is engaging in (Learning Goal 2)
A)report talk.
B)rapport talk.
C)nonverbal leakage.
Consola and Megadoro have been married for several years. Every morning Consola talks about what she hopes her day will be like and what she will do. Megadoro reads the paper and gives an occasional grunt until he asks what the weather will be like and what’s for dinner. Megadoro is engaging in (Learning Goal 2)
A)report talk.
B)rapport talk.
C)nonverbal leakage.
Sensitiva is constantly after her husband to pick up his clothes. She constantly nags him to put them in the laundry and not drop them on the floor. Which form of judging is she using? (Learning Goal 2)
D)praising evaluatively.
Whenever Throckmorton calls his mother, she complains, “You never call, you never write. I could be dead for all you care.” This is an example of proposing solutions called (Learning Goal 2)
Hermione was telling Hepzibah of the harrowing experience she had at the bank where there was an attempted robbery. Hepzibah replied, “You think that’s bad, wait till you hear what happened to me!” This is an example of (Learning Goal 2)
Examples of nonverbal communication are (Learning Goal 3)
A)body communication.
B)spatial communication.
D)all of the above.
Bubba Strongarm got a called third strike. He started arguing with the umpire. He was so angry with the call he started jawing with the ump face to face with only a few inches separating them. Bubba was ejected. Not only did he argue a third strike but he invaded the ump’s (Learning Goal 4)
A)intimate distance.
B)personal distance.
C)social distance.
D)public distance.
Amanda came running home and told her family that she quit her job. She announced this in a bright, bouncy way. The listener can more from this message by attending to Amanda’s(Learning Goal 3)
B)eye communication.
C)spatial communication

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