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absolute error  The absolute value of the forecast error.
causal forecast  A forecast that uses extrinsic data as a predictor of demand.
contingency plans  Alternative or back-up plans to be used if an unexpected event makes the normal plans infeasible.
cycle  A component of a time series that is a pattern that repeats over a long period of time.
decline stage  The final stage of a product or service life cycle as demand disappears.
forecast bias  The tendency of a forecast to be too high or too low.
forecast including trend (FIT)  Trend-adjusted exponential smoothing.
growth stage  The second stage of a product or service life cycle, where demand begins to increase.
introduction stage  The first stage of a product or service life cycle.
life cycle  A pattern of demand growth and decline that occurs from the introduction of a product to its obsolescence.
maturation stage  The third stage of a product or service life cycle, when demand begins to level off.
mean absolute deviation (MAD)  A measure of the absolute forecast error that is the mean of the absolute values of the forecast errors.
mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)  The mean of the absolute errors stated as a percentage of demand.
mean forecast error (MFE)  A measure of forecast bias that is the mean of the forecast errors.
planning horizon  The distance into the future one plans.
qualitative forecast  A forecast based on qualitative information.
quantitative forecast  A forecast based on quantitative data.
random fluctuation  Unpredictable variation in demand that is not due to trend, seasonality, or cycle.
running sum of forecast error (RSFE)  A measure of forecast bias that is the sum of forecast error and is updated as each new error is calculated.
saturation stage  The fourth stage of a product or service life cycle, when demand shifts to the beginning of its decline.
seasonality  A pattern in a times series that repeats itself at least once a year.
simple exponential smoothing  A sophisticated type of moving average that uses a smoothing constant to weight the previous demand and establish the responsiveness of the forecast.
times series forecasting  Using past demand to forecast the future.
tracking signal  The size of the cumulative forecast error expressed as MADs.
trend  A component of a time series that causes demand to increase or decrease.
trend adjusted exponential smoothing  An exponential smoothing technique that includes a smoothing constant for trend.

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