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Chapter Outline
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  1. The Emergence of Criminal Justice
    1. Definition, structure, function, and decision processes of those agencies that deal with the management of crime, the police, the courts, and corrections
      1. criminology
      2. criminal law
      3. criminal procedure
      4. constitutional law
    2. "Law and Order" and the "War on Crime"
      1. the 1960's—a decade of violence
      2. political assassinations
      3. appeals for "law and order"
      4. "nationalization" of the Bill of Rights
      5. President Johnson's "war on crime"; President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice
    3. The President's Crime Commission
      1. The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society
      2. recommendations, seven specific objectives and more than 200 specific recommendations
      3. focus on the relationship between poverty and crime
    4. Criminal justice as a "system"
      1. an orderly flow of managerial decision making that begins with the investigation of a criminal offense and ends with the offender's reintegration into the free community
      2. the alternate view, criminal justice as a "nonsystem"
    5. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968
      1. the unique place that the year 1968 holds in America
      2. early criticisms—overemphasis on technology; misdirecting funds
      3. funding for criminal justice education

  2. Models of Criminal Justice
    1. The Due Process Model stresses protection of procedural rights—the Warren Court
    2. The Crime Control Model emphasizes efficiency—the Burger Court

  3. Key Factors in Criminal Justice Today
    1. The war on drugs
    2. Women, crime, and criminal justice
    3. The criminal justice "nonsystem"
    4. Victims and justice

  4. Terrorism
    1. What is terrorism?
    2. Terrorism and the Constitution
    3. Cross-cultural perspective

  5. Organization of this Book

  6. Summary

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