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Principles in Action
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Principle 3 Learn each child's unique ways of communicating (cries, words, movements, gestures, facial expressions, body positions) and teach yours. Don't underestimate children's ability to communicate even though their verbal language skills may be nonexistent or minimal.

You have just been hired as a child care provider in a new infant-toddler program. The director suggests that you spend your first few days gradually getting to know the children. On your first morning you observe the following interactions. A volunteer mom is happily playing peek-a-boo with her 14-month-old daughter. The little girl is obviously delighting in the turn-taking pattern of conversation; there are lots of giggles from both of them. One of the caregivers is changing a child; she is talking to him about the clean diaper she is going to put on him. He is looking at her intently and reaches for the diaper while she is talking. Another child is crying softly near the entrance; her mom has just left. A caregiver is sitting beside her offering comforting words ("I can see you are feeling sad." "Your mommy will be back after lunch"). The sobbing toddler is leaning against the caregiver but does not seem to want to sit on her lap. Over in the far corner of the room you can see two toddlers playing with small blocks; a caregiver is sitting near them. One child is using a few Spanish words; the other is using only English. You can hear the caregiver repeating some of each of the toddlers' words, easily using both Spanish and English.

Describe the language and communication patterns you see.
How are the children's unique ways of communicating being acknowledged by the adults?
Clarify how each child is being shown respect.
Would you do anything differently than any of the adults you were observing?
What do you find most challenging when trying to communicate with young children?

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