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Cash flow statement  A monthly accounting report that details the asset cash and its movement in and out of the firm.
Compound noun  A noun composed of two or more words. A compound noun may be written as one word, a hyphenated word, or two words.
Nominative case  Nouns or pronouns used as subjects of sentences, as appositives, or as subject complements. Also called the subjective case.
Notary public  A person with the authority to establish the authenticity of legal documents.
Objective case  Nouns or pronouns used as direct objects, indirect objects, objects of a preposition, or objects of infinitives.
Possessive case  Shows that someone or something owns or possesses something else.
Rules of thumb  Plans or procedures grounded in experience rather than in a knowledge of science.
Scams  Fraudulent schemes.
Subjective case  See nominative case.
Surf the net  Looking at information on the Internet.
Write-off  A reduction in or a cancellation of the value of something owned such as a bad debt or depreciation.

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