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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is a synonym for integrity?
D)These are all synonyms for integrity.
Several types of interviews are briefly discussed in the chapter. Which of the following interviews is correctly defined?
A)The stress interview is intended to resolve workplace stress between labor and management.
B)The exit interview occurs when an employee's job is terminated and typically occurs by having the employee complete a questionnaire.
C)The goal of an appraisal interview is to ask the employee's coworkers a series of questions to evaluate his/her performance.
D)A disciplinary interview occurs when a problem area has arisen, and management wants to hear the employee's perspective on the problem.
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of an interview mentioned in this chapter?
A)It provides an opportunity for feedback and follow-up questions.
B)The person who is gathering the data can save time over more traditional research methods.
C)The interviewer is able to gather personal information, such as reactions to events.
D)These are all mentioned in the chapter.
Which of the following is NOT listed as an advantage of good preparation for an interview?
A)You will gain credibility, thus the interviewee will be more willing to spend time answering your questions.
B)You will be able to frame better questions, thus gaining a greater depth of understanding of the topic you are seeking information on.
C)You will make better use of your own time since you will be able to get to the heart of the information more quickly.
D)You will save the interviewer's time.
When you decide on the format for the interview, you are deciding whether to use a(n)
A)open-format interview.
B)closed-format interview.
C)semi-open format interview.
D)all of the above.
Which format does Hybels advocate as the best for an interview?
A)The closed-format because it allows the interviewer to stay focused.
B)The open-format because the interviewer has more control and feels freer to answer questions.
C)The semiopen format because it permits spontaneous follow-up and flexibility.
D)The semiclosed format because it establishes the greatest amount of intimacy and encourages honest answers.
"What are the differences between the Gulf War in 1991 and the current war in Iraq?" is an example of a
A)primary question.
B)follow up question.
C)closed question.
D)leading question.
"Why doesn't this university have a fairer way to calculate students' GPA?" is an example of a(n)
A)open question.
B)primary question.
C)leading question.
D)neutral question.
Which statement about appropriate use of questions is correct?
A)Leading questions are rarely appropriate, although sometimes used by reporters and talk-show hosts.
B)Follow-up questions are more useful at the end of the interview.
C)The number of primary questions should be limited so the interview does not exceed its time limit.
D)Closed questions can be effective when the interviewee gives excessively long answers and the interviewer wants to regain control of the process.
Hybels gives a lot of helpful advice on whether to record an interview or just take notes. Which of the following statements would NOT be advice the author would give?
A)If you are videotaping, you can concentrate more on the nonverbal cues of the interviewee.
B)Videotaping allows you to capture precise quotations.
C)It is important to have two microphones so that you can avoid a lot of background noise when videotaping.
D)It is important to get permission from the interviewee to videotape and to inform him/her of your intended use of the videotape.
Which of the following pieces of advice would the author give to a person preparing to conduct an interview?
A)Be careful about asking follow up questions, since they could make you appear ill-informed.
B)Don't be too concerned about the time because you might lose the chance to gather some unexpected and valuable information.
C)It is important to make the interviewee feel at ease; expressing your interest in the topic and thanking the person for agreeing to be interviewed are good ways to accomplish this.
D)Try to avoid interviewing a person who knows too much about your topic, for you might lose control of the interview if the answers are too long.
A resume is
A)simply a summary of your education.
B)simply a summary of your work experience.
C)simply a summary of your skills.
D)all of the above.
When researching for a job interview, you should learn about which of the following?
A)the company's products and services
B)the size of the company
C)the company philosophy
D)all of the above
The author suggests practicing your answers to questions in the following area(s) EXCEPT
A)strengths and weaknesses
B)academic background
C)marital and family background
D)job expectations
Which of the following is NOT an interview behavioral recommendation provided by the author?
A)Wait until you are offered a chair before sitting.
B)Arrive 20-30 minutes early.
C)Make eye contact with the interviewer.
D)Try to get the interviewer to describe the position.
The author describes improper interview behavior. Which of the following is NOT considered improper?
A)chewing gum
B)overanswering questions
C)inquiring about salary during the initial interview
D)conducting yourself as if you are determined to get the job
It is important to do research about a company that you want to work for in order to
A)be able to prepare better questions for the interview.
B)know if the company is public.
C)get contact names and numbers.
D)achieve all of the above.
Cultural differences include which of the following?
A)countries of origin
B)music preferences
C)grooming standards
D)All of the above are cultural differences noted by the author.
When in the workplace, which is true about gender differences?
A)Women use report-talk and men use rapport-talk.
B)Women and men both use report-talk.
C)Women use rapport-talk and men use report-talk.
D)Women and men both use rapport-talk.
Considering conflict resolution in the workplace, the author suggests which of the following?
A)Plan, prepare, and rehearse.
B)Address the issue immediately.
C)Adopt an adversarial attitude.
D)Aggressively state the message.

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