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Professional Development
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Keep your eyes and ears open. What careers can you observe in your daily life? What kinds of jobs do you see people doing at your school, your workplace, your bank, local stores? Do any of them interest you? Why or why not?

Even TV has lessons to teach. What kinds of careers are portrayed on your favorite TV shows? Which ones appeal to you, and why?

Ask Questions

Talk with advisors, instructors, professionals, family, and friends. When you meet new people, ask what they do for a living. Most people are pleased to share information about their work. How did they choose their career? Do they like it? What is a typical day like? How are the working conditions? What does the future hold for this career?


Take the initiative. Learn about different fields of study, industries, and careers. Read the career section of your local newspaper. Keep up with news about business and the economy. Browse magazines in your fields of interest. Research your education and training options.

Also take a look at the job listings on career Web sites such as and What jobs are out there? What skills and experience to you need to get your foot in the door?

Visit the following Web sites to learn more about career possibilities:

Career Key

A free online self-assessment test that identifies your Holland personality type

The Princeton Review

An online test that links your personal interests and style to potential careers

Information about careers and career paths, networking, company research, and more

Career Services Web site of the University of North Carolina

A comprehensive resource for many aspects of the career planning and job-search process

O*NET Career Exploration Tools

A set of self-directed career exploration/assessment tools to help workers consider and plan career options, preparation, and transitions more effectively

Psychology of SuccessOnline Learning Center

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