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Multiple Choice Quiz
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What does CRM allow an organization to accomplish?
A)Provide better customer service
B)Make call centers more efficient
C)Help sales staff close deals faster
D)All of the above
Which of the following is one of the CRM business drivers?
A)Inventory control
B)Increase revenues
D)All of the above
What occurs when a website can know enough about a person's likes and dislikes that it can fashion offers that are more likely to appeal to that person?
B)Operational CRM
C)Analytical CRM
D)None of the above
What is the first CRM industry best practice?
A)Clearly communicate the CRM strategy
B)Build an integrated view of the customer
C)Implement in iterations
D)Define information needs and flows
Which of the following is not a CRM industry best practice?
A)Provide better customer service
B)Define information needs and flows
C)Build an integrated view of the customer
D)None of the above

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