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The next time you visit your local library, ask the reference librarian or search the Internet for information on eugenics laws. Take some time and see if you can locate laws or local ordinances that have a eugenic component to them. You might use some of the information in How Science Works 11.1 as places to begin your search. Look up topics that deal with sterilization, conception control, fertility drugs, medicines that help select the genetically "unfit" to survive and therefore reproduce, and so on.

This project may take some time. Simply looking in other biology texts will not resolve the problem of eugenics. Newspaper, Internet, and magazine articles will certainly supply information on medical practices related to euthanasia, fertility drugs, and other eugenically related topics. It will no doubt take some probing into the legal arena. This subject may attract those nonmajor students interested in law, social work, or political science.

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