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Chapter Summary
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    1. A drawing surface is created with a Graphics object.
    2. The graphics methods should appear in the form’s Paint event handler, so that the graphics are redrawn every time the form is repainted.
    3. Pen objects are used for lines and the outline of shapes; brushes are used for filled shapes.
    4. Measurements in drawings are in pixels.
    5. The coordinate system begins with 0,0 at the upper-left corner of the container object.
    6. You can declare a Point structure, a Size structure, or a Rectangle structure to use as arguments in the graphics methods.
    7. You can generate random numbers using the Random class. Seed the random number generator when instantiating a variable of the class; use the Next method to generate a series of numbers.
    8. An animated .gif file can be displayed in a PictureBox control to display animation on a Windows Form or in an Image control on a Web Form.
    9. Animation effects can be created by using similar pictures and by controlling the location and visibility of controls.
    10. Pictures can be loaded, moved, and resized at run time; the best way is to use the SetBounds method.
    11. The Timer component can fire a Tick event that occurs at specified intervals, represented in milliseconds.
    12. Scroll bar controls are available for both horizontal and vertical directions. Properties include Minimum, Maximum, SmallChange, LargeChange, and Value. Scroll and ValueChanged events are used to respond to the action.
    13. You can play .wav files using the SoundPlayer class.
    14. Drag-and-drop programming allows a source object to be dropped on a target object. The target control has its AllowDrop property set to true. The source control calls the DoDragDrop method in its MouseDown event handler. The target control sets the effect of the drag in the DragEnter event handler and the results in the DragDrop event handler.

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