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Test Yourself
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Select the best answer for each item.


Which of the following does not qualify as a communicative act?
A)a secretary taking down a dictation
B)a pen pal writing a letter
C)a telephone conversation with family
D)bantering back and forth in a chat room

When examining spoken language and written language, one finds that they are…
A)very similar.
B)very different.

Which of the following will most help L2 learners become better writers?
D)all three provide equal benefits

Within the context of L2 writing, which is most easily associated with the rhetorical problem?
A)who will read it
B)the grade received
C)writer’s block
D)none of the above

Which of the following tasks would be considered transcribing, as discussed in this chapter?
A)taking dictation
B)translating from the L1 to the target language
C)putting your thoughts into print
D)expressing others’ ideas in your own words

Giving L2 writers a list of essential vocabulary to use in their compositions…
A)always helps to stimulate them.
B)often guarantees improved writing.
C)has no effect (positive or negative) on their writing.
D)may restrict them in significant ways.

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