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Test Yourself
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Select the best answer for each item.


Which of the following could be carried out as a nonlinguistic task for assessing listening comprehension?
A)creating an outline
B)making a graph
C)creating a quiz
D)filling in a chart

Zamel (1985) examined the feedback that fifteen instructors gave to their ESL students and found all of the following except
A)irrelevant remarks about content.
B)vague comments about abstract rules.
C)inconsistency due to random corrections.
D)conflicting signals about what to improve.

Within the domain of education as a whole, tests are designed to…
A)direct test takers to a particular course or resource.
B)indicate progress and/or areas for improvement.
C)discriminate among test takers.
D)all of the above

A good listening comprehension test section might have an instruction line such as the following:
A)“Listen to each question and then answer in a complete sentence.”
B)“Listen carefully and write down the vocabulary word you hear.”
C)“Listen for the past tense verb form in each utterance and write it down.”
D)none of the above

The debate concerning language of assessment is over whether or not to…
A)ask listening comprehension questions in the learners’ L1.
B)translate the more difficult terms in the listening passage.
C)simplify the L2 that beginning learners listen to.
D)No debate exists! Native-like L2 is always ideal for the passage and the comprehension questions.

Recent research on reading comprehension carried out by Lee, Wolf, and others shows that language learners perform better on reading comprehension test items that are written…
A)in the L1 regardless of level of fluency.
B)in the L2 regardless of level of fluency.
C)in the L1 only if learners are beginners.
D)in the L2 only if learners are advanced.

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