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Carroll (1980) identifies four criteria for designing a good test. Which of the following is an example of the criterion of acceptability?
A)Learners are comfortable and familiar with the testing format.
B)There is a match between the course and curriculum goals.
C)Similar test scores are obtained across different groups of learners taking the test at the same time.

Carroll (1980) identifies four criteria for designing a good test. Which of the following is an example of the criterion of economy?
A)Using the least expensive way to administer a test in order to save both students and the institution money.
B)The test should sample the material covered rather than test every point covered in class.
C)Students should not be required to respond to all test items using complete sentences. Nonlinguistic responses are also valid and in some cases, more time efficient.

What are the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines?
A)A set of evaluation criteria for measuring oral proficiency.
B)An oral proficiency test that is conducted via an oral interview.
C)An oral proficiency measure that uses a multi-format approach.

The OPI and INOPT share this common characteristic.
A)Both tests use a componential rating scale.
B)Both tests use a multi-format approach.
C)Both tests use holistic ratings.

We say that a test is biased if…
A)different sections of German 101 do not obtain similar means on an oral interview measure.
B)different questions and evaluation procedures are used with different test takers.
C)all test takers are given the same interview questions and evaluated in the same way.

According to Bachman, what is the advantage of using a componential rating scale in assessing oral proficiency?
A)It allows instructors to separate out different components of communicative language ability.
B)It allows instructors to classify oral proficiency according to four basic levels: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Superior.
C)A holistic rating makes it too easy for instructors to misassign a level of proficiency.

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