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Review Questions
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  1. If you worked in the advertising department of a premium-priced furniture manufacturer, would you recommend magazine advertising? Why or why not?
  2. If you were the advertising manager for a magazine aimed at senior citizens, what advantages would you cite to potential advertisers?
  3. Why would it be important for the creative department to be aware of the technical and mechanical features of magazine?
  4. What is the importance of the Audit Bureau of Circulations?
  5. Why do magazines typically base their advertising rates on circulation figures that are below their average circulation?
  6. Why do retailers advertise so heavily in local newspapers?
  7. How can advertisers improve the selectivity of their newspaper ads?
  8. Should national advertisers be charged a higher rate than local advertisers? Support your position.
  9. What role do you see the Internet playing in the future for publishers of magazines and newspapers?
  10. If you owned a local dry cleaning business, would you place an advertisement in the Yellow Pages? How might this ad differ from one you would place in the local newspaper?

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