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Exploring Advertising
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  1. Pay attention to outdoor and transit advertising when you are out walking or driving. What formats do you see? Select three examples. Are the creative executions eye-catching? Can you comprehend the messages in a few seconds? Are the boards in good locations for what they are selling and to whom?

  2. Upshaw Books, the largest independent bookstore in the area, wants to advertise on billboards along the area's main commuter route. Create a series of three standard billboards that would grab commuters' attention and motivate them to visit the store.

  3. There appears to be no limit to the places that advertising can appear. What are some additional non-traditional advertising media that you have seen (or expect to see some day) that were not touched on in this text?

  4. Collect the direct mail that comes to your house for several days. Do any of the pieces stand out? Are some more inviting than others? Why? How do you suppose those advertisers got your name on their mailing lists?

  5. Do any of the direct-mail pieces you examined above make an effort to connect their graphics or copy to their TV or print advertising? What elements cause you to remember seeing other advertising for these products or companies?

  6. Despite its junk-mail image, direct mail requires a great deal of creativity. Jones Educational Services, which provides GRE and GMAT preparation, has agreed that a direct-mail campaign may be the best way to increase its market share. Create a direct-mail campaign for Jones, providing specifications for the mailing list and designs for the materials.

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