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Review Questions
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  1. Why is it good that advertising stimulates competition?
  2. Describe the two types of social criticisms of advertising.
  3. What is puffery? Give some examples. Do you ever feel deceived by puffery in advertising?
  4. Does advertising affect our value system? In what ways?
  5. What is the difference between an advertiser's ethics and its social responsibility?
  6. What are some examples of stereotypes used in advertising?
  7. How does commercial speech differ from political speech? Do you think advertisers should have the same First Amendment rights as everyone else? Explain.
  8. What are privacy rights? What are some ways that privacy rights are perhaps being violated by marketers?
  9. What is the role of the FTC in advertising? Do you think this role should be expanded or restricted?
  10. What is the difference between unfair and deceptive advertising?

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