Fund. of Advanced Accounting
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Book Preface
Sample Chapter
Feature Summary
MH Connect Accounting

Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting, 5/e

Joe B. Hoyle, University of Richmond
Thomas F. Schaefer, University of Notre Dame
Timothy S. Doupnik, University of South Carolina

ISBN: 0078025397
Copyright year: 2013

Feature Summary

New Features:

  • McGraw-Hill Connect Accounting and Connect Plus Accounting: This edition will include Connect and Connect Plus. Static versions of end-of-chapter materials will be available in Connect for fall, 2012. Algorithmic versions of the end-of-chapter materials will be provided throughout spring, 2013.
  • Updated Accounting Standards: Overall, the Fifth Edition of the text provides updated accounting standards references to the Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC).
  • Updated Information on IFRS: The authors have updated and added relevant information on IFRS to reflect its importance in the Accounting Discipline. This includes:
  • A section on IFRS-Foreign Currency, Transactions and Hedges.
  • A section on IFRS-Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements.
  • Updated coverage of International Accounting Standards: This edition provides new coverage of International Accounting standards with comparison to US GAAP. The updated International Standards include International Accounting Standard 10 on consolidations and 12 on related disclosures.
  • New-Real World References and Scenarios: The Fifth Edition has updated real-world scenarios which makes the text the most relevant in the market. The real world references include financial reporting examples for contingent consideration, real-world references include Ticket Master and Meade, International, and two new cases the Coca-Cola’s acquisition of Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE). These new cases include questions on comparisons with IFRS and US GAAP.
  • Updated: Changes in tax law: References to the Uniform Partnership Act have been updated to take in the current changes that are taking place. This makes the material presented to the students more relevant than any Advanced Accounting textbook in the market.


  • This short, 12 chapter advanced accounting text contains six consolidations chapters, two foreign currency chapters, two partnership chapters, and two governmental chapters. This allows flexibility for the Professors to bring other material into the course such as cases.
  • Real-world examples: Students are better able to relate what they learn to what they will encounter in the business world after reading these frequent examples. Quotations, articles, and illustrations from Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Business Week are incorporated throughout the text. This allows students to make connections with today’s business environment.
  • Discussion questions: This feature facilitates student understanding of the underlying accounting principles at work in particular reporting situations. Similar to mini cases, these questions help explain the issue at hand in practical terms.
  • End-of-chapter materials: End-of-chapter materials offer a wide variety of assignments to reinforce important concepts for students. This features expands the students’ knowledge of chapter concepts.
  • Excel Spreadsheet Assignments extend specific problems and are located on the book’s Web site. An Excel icon appears next to those problems that have corresponding spreadsheet assignments.
  • Icons identify which of the four CPA skills the question tests (research, analysis, judgment, or communication) at the end of chapters. This is titled Develop Your Skills which is part of the EOC. Built by Kaplan CPA Review, these web-based simulation exercises allow students to practice textbook concepts in an interface identical to that of the actual CPA exam, ensuring they’ll be ready when they sit for the real thing.
  • CPA Simulations: Hoyle’s CPA Simulations, powered by Kaplan, are integrated throughout the textbook. Simulations are set up in the text and completed online at the book’s Web site, This allows students to practice advanced accounting concepts in a Web-Based interface identical to what is used in the actual CPA exam.
  • Library assignments: Library assignments require research and teach students how to find and use information.
  • Computer projects on consolidations are included throughout the text.
  • Where appropriate within the body of the text, the controversial side of accounting is acknowledged by exploring debates regarding financial reporting and sharing dissenting opinions of official pronouncements.

Instructors: To experience this product firsthand, contact your McGraw-Hill Education Learning Technology Specialist.